
An indoor herb garden not only requires little maintenance but it will also provide you with the beauty of having wonderful smelling plants in your own home. But just what is it that I need for growing an indoor herb garden$%: In this article we will look at what you will need in order to grow many of the pleasantly aromatic herbs that you can buy at your local supermarket today.

1. It is important that you place your herb garden on a sunny windowsill. Preferably one that is south or southeast facing as this will ensure that the garden gets at least 5 hours of sun each day. However, it is also important that you keep the garden away from drafts.

2. You will need a container that has a depth of no more less than 6 inches and no more than 12 into which your herbs can be placed. Also get one which is long enough so that you can plant multiple herbs into or if you do not have the space then use 6" pots for each plant. Into this container or containers you will need to place soil less potting mix which will help to avoid soil born diseases. Your local garden center will be able to help you find the right kind of potting mix that you will need in order to grow a great herb garden.

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3. The containers are now ready to fill with plants. So now you have to purchase some of your favorite herbs these can either be purchased from your local garden center or online. Certainly I would suggest when starting a herb garden for the first time you choose such herbs as oregano, chives, mint, rosemary and thyme as they are pretty easy to use and are the most commonly used herbs in most recipes.

4. When watering your herbs it is important that you do this only sparingly as they do not sit well in wet soil and then feed them once a month with a fertilizer that has been specifically designed for use with edible plants.

Growing your very own indoor herb garden can bring a lot of satisfaction. Give this indoor garden a try and as you can see as long as you have the right equipment and the right place in your home you can soon be growing a indoor herb garden which will be the envy of all your friends.

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